Religious and Cult
Trauma Support Group
Are you a survivor of the Jehovah's Witnesses Cult?
You are not alone. We are a diverse group of people sharing common experiences and concerns with one another.
Contact Us

What is Pact4Peace?
How We Help
This Support Group was started by survivors of the Jehovah's Witnesses with the belief that every single one of us is resilient, and that our resilience can be fostered with the help and support of a community. Our members provide the place and space for personal growth, self-reflection, learning, and bonding. We invite you to find out more information and hope you will join us.
commonly asked questions
Will I have to tell my story?
No. This group is here to encourage you to be yourself and heal at your pace. If you are not ready to share your story with us that is your decision.
How do I join a meeting for the first time?
Message us from the Contact Us page.
How do you protect my information?
This group encourages anonymous contributions. We understand and take seriously the threat that a survivor may feel to their safety for joining a group like this. We also understand that you may fear being shunned by your loved ones.